Taking a day off is so nice, and something people should do more of. It definitely helps a work/life balance and puts other things in perspective.
Which is key, as in: perspective.
Violence among youth is a tragedy. I have known or been around two or three students that have been murdered as a direct result of gang violence, and it is such a tragedy. So useless. So sad.
Finding one's groove is a harder than it initially seems. It seems like it should be like: this is who I am! Here's what I do!!! But that isn't really how things work. It's more like a door opens and you step through it, and then past that door is another door, so you go through that one too. And then these series of doors open and the choice comes before you to either enter or flee.
Marriage is a good thing.
Golf is an odd fascination, and perhaps the American male way of showing just how average we truly are. If you hit the target goal - par - all you've done is exactly what you were supposed to do. Like if the par is 4, you're supposed to hit a golf ball four times to get it in the hole. But people celebrate achieving a feat that is simply what should have happened anyway.
I am great at thinking about what should be done, and terrible at doing it; or maybe not terrible, but much slower. I can make a plan in a second, but it might take a decade to act it out.
They say that if you were to get sucked in a black hole, the gravity would be so great and of different strengths that your feet would be pulled down to infinity before your head ever even had a chance to realize anything was up.
That's close to a pun but not.
I will floss if I put a thing of floss on the coffee table by our tv. If it's there, I'll floss; if it isn't, I won't.
So, lately, I've been making sure to have a thing of floss by the tv.