Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Yesterday, I wrote about the Struggles Through the Ages. I looked at how different ages can have a different effect on life. But perhaps the main thing I realized when reading the letter of the 'struggling writer' was how much more confident I've become as I've gotten older.
It is something I think about a lot. When weighing different things in my life, wondering between this and that decision, I often ask the question: would I trade this for that, if I also had to give up my current level of self confidence? The answer is almost always, 'no'.
Being confident, and believing in yourself is what separates a lot of people in life. If you know you can do it, and put the time in, you can make it happen.
Confidence is key.
I realized my own confidence, and personal growth, in two very specific ways this year.
1. Technology. I had a meeting last year, and was talking about some things on my website, including the direction I wanted to go. At that time, I'd spent about a year (or year and a half) trying things. I felt stuck. None of it made sense. But now, a year after that meeting, it's making a lot more sense. I'm able to do things that I couldn't do before. I've even helped others figure out some technological things in areas that I was previously stuck.
2. Writing. I was often stuck, spending way too much time on process and editing, compiling and drafting, and my content suffered. Now, I have much more confidence in this area. Now, I can finish things. When I start something, I know it will happen and can vilualize positive things.
I write these not to brag, but rather to celebrate - personally - how far I've come. I see the growth, celebrate the growth, and it inspires me to continue. I hope you find and celebrate areas of growth in your own lives.