When I hear men talk about abortion as their #1 issue, I get skeptical.
Skepticism doesn’t necessarily equal judgement.
There are probably a lot of men that do deeply care about the issue of abortion. There are certainly men that have had terrible experiences and they are trying very hard to fix that.
They probably legitimately think it’s sad and tragic. They may also think it’s murder.
And this is fine for them. But…
…when this issue is a man’s main political focus, I personally think they have an ulterior motive. I think they’re trying to either overcompensate for something or cover something up in other areas when they talk only of abortion.
This is because the issue doesn’t affect them personally. They cannot be put in the position where they have to make the difficult decision, which means their main issue doesn’t really affect them. Something doesn’t smell right about that to me.
And if it is fair for them to put this as number one, it is also fair for me to be skeptical.
I think that women, and only women, should have a voice on this issue. I don’t think it should look like this: