
People make the mistake of thinking we’re either Republican or Democrat. And they’ll read something like the posts I’m writing and they’ll mistakenly think they’re a call for Joe Biden.

They’re not.

What I’m saying is that Christians cannot vote for Donald Trump. To do so is be along the lines of a Matthew 7:26 or James 2:26.

Donald Trump is a bad man. Bad trees do not bear good fruit.

Claiming Christ and voting for Trump is turning off non-believers. This is warned about in Luke 16.

What we should all do is call on our leaders and politicians to be better on all issues. And we should vote on their character, rather than their words.

Take Justin Amash.

I do not agree with very much of Justin' Amash’s politics. YET, I respect him very much as a Congressman. I think he does a great job of being transparent, communicating his votes with his base, and sharing his “why”.

Even when I disagree with that why, I very much respect him for doing it. His logic is often sound, his reasoning is consistent, and going along with other people just because they’re from the same party is a good thing.

This election is clearly a time where we need to step beyond political boundaries (at least for the presidential portion of the ballot) and get this man out of the White House.