Series Overview
It is embarrassing that Donald Trump is the President of the United States. Donald Trump is not a good man. Spend five minutes on his Twitter feed, and you can see this. Trump is not morally upright, or a beacon of light.
He claims to be Christian, yet turns people away from God. He uses God’s name for his own purposes. Jesus tells us, in Matthew 7, that this will happen.
It is happening right now, and we can stop this. We can use our voices to tell our leaders that they need to have good character to have our support.
Over the next month, from October 1 - November 3, I will lay out all the reasons that I think Christians should not, and cannot in good conscious, vote for Donald Trump. As an American, you are allowed to disagree. If you disagree and would like to discuss, I’m happy to discuss. You can contact me through my website. All I ask is that you think about it.
What This Is:
A series of daily reflections - some long, some short; some personal, some not; some in your face, some broad - on why I believe you should not vote for Donald J Trump.
A suggestion of alternatives.
A list of options.
A call to unity. In our divided society, almost everything has become political. When this happens, people tend to choose sides and dig in, often blindly. Blind loyalty is dangerous. It allows someone to sneak in and do evil deeds, while being supported by people that may actually disagree.
What This is Not:
An endorsement of Joe Biden
An endorsement of the DNC
Grammatically perfect
Meant to tell you who to vote for.
An attack on the RNC