We need all voices

Even if you very much disagree with someone, their ability to express their opinion is very, very important. The second we limit one voice is the second we limit all voices. And that’s a scary path.

Dave Chappelle knows this. He lives this. He expresses this. And, he takes a lot of heat for it. It is fine to disagree. To find things offensive. It’s even very important to do so, but the second we limit what can be said, the very freedom of an opinion goes out the window.

You cannot say you have your own opinion if you’ve only been presented one slight part of a thing. Your opinion is not really yours. If you’ve only ever eaten bread, you cannot say it is better than all other foods. If you’ve driven only one kind of car you cannot say it is better than all others. If you’ve seen only one place you cannot say it is the most beautiful.

You can think it’s superior, but there’s a word for this: favorite. It can be your favorite. To think your opinions are superior is to think they are correct, which is to downplay other opinions.

Critiquing Chappelle is in vogue by a certain type of thinker because they find his jokes on certain societal issues offensive. But, typing yourself to certain societal positions can be to tie yourself to backward morality.

We must all be open. We must listen. We need the contrarian.