Pretty much how I'm feeling this morning.

Pretty much how I'm feeling this morning.

Today will be a test

Today is going to be a test, I can already feel it.  It will be a test of my resolve, and stick-to-itiveness.  For good reason, I was up late the past two nights and got little sleep.  Rather than take it easy, or go to bed early, I must push on today.  Typically, this has been a part of (or start to) a pattern of a downward spiral.      

When tired, I have often made decisions that are lazy, rather than productive; I will consume what is easy, rather than what is good.  I will consider it a 'day-off' exercise, instead of working out.  I will push off my wants, instead of going after them.  

Today, that pattern changes.  Today will be a test of this.  Today I have a part of a project I must finish; I also have to get a run in, or my entire schedule is off.   I have goals.  Today will be a test of them.  Today, I break the old pattern and make a step in a new direction.