Today is the Day
Election day is here. Before you go to the poll, I’d like to encourage you of your options one more time.
Writer | Podcaster | Reviewer
The thoughts, writings, and recordings of The Real Tom Bratt
Election day is here. Before you go to the poll, I’d like to encourage you of your options one more time.
This election is not like other elections. In ‘08 and ‘12, both major political parties had candidates that fit. They were representatives of their party, had won the primaries because of this, and were viable options. In ‘16, we had two people that both sucked. Very few people were happy to cast a vote in either direction.
And so we have Trump.
The last four years have not been good. They’ve been marked by conflict, controversy, and regression. The call to Make America Great Again! is a call backward. But humans don’t regress, we go forward.
If you are someone that has no higher moral code, a vote for Trump is fine. I have no other expectation for someone that puts their own interest (as our President has done) first. I do, however, have expectations for people that claim Christ.
Jesus says, in Matthew 22:40, that the Law and Prophets are boil down to these two commands:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. (Mt. 22:37)
Love your neighbor as yourself. (Mt. 22:39)
Donald J. Trump does neither.
He claims God, but his words and actions are not Godly. (For a longer read, click here). Jesus had something to say about this as well. “They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them (Mt. 7:15b-16).” He then explains that bad people do not do good things, and vice versa. Bad trees do not bear good fruit. This is very, very clear.
Voting for Trump is voting for a bad man. Voting for Trump is voting to give power to a man that uses God’s name for his own purposes. It is voting for a man that goes against the values I, and many other followers of Jesus attempt to live by. (In the process, he has turned people away from God. Ask yourselves this, this, or this.)
People love to say, or argue, that we only have two options and that by exercising a right for a different option, you’re “throwing away a vote”. But, to vote for Trump is to actively bring a man like him to power. In doing so, you are turning people away from God. You are casting a ballot for division. You are causing people to associate belief in Jesus with supporting Trump. Those things do not align.
If you wonder what else you can do, here you go:
If you wonder why it matters, here you go:
If you wonder why it matters, Biblically, here you go:
And if your #1 issue is abortion, and you call you call yourself “Pro Life”, here you go:
If you’re reading this far, you know I’m on to something. So I’ll leave you with this:
God does not ask us to choose between the lesser of two evils. (If anything, he says: Be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect; Mt. 5:48)
God commands us to look out for the foreigner residing among us, not to lock them in cages. (“When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges…leave them for the poor and foreigner residing among you” Leviticus 23:22)
And I’ll end with this:
The Prophet Isaiah, who speaks of the coming Messiah a lot (even echoed in Jesus’s birth story in Matthew), shows us very clearly, in the first chapter of his book, who God directs us to care for.:
Isaiah 1:17 read, “Seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.
How would you feel if Donald Trump was your child? Could you honestly say you did a good job? Here is a letter from me to you.
Our society is getting really bad at reflection. So, I have a few questions.
Our society is getting really bad at reflection. So, I have a few questions.
Our society is getting really bad at reflection. So, I have a few questions.
A major part of being a Christian is being a witness of your faith. You attempt to reflect Jesus through your actions.
Has Donald Trump done this?
If we claim to believe the Bible, we should listen to the content.
We have a bad man in control of our country. Using any metric that we’d apply to anything else, he’s doing a terrible job. Our schools are shut down. Our churches are shut down. Our businesses are not open. People are out of work. An economic collapse is an ever-present threat. Wildfires are tearing up the West Coast. A pandemic is killing hundreds of thousands of people. We cannot safely walk around without a mask. People are taking to the streets in every state.
If this was a sports team, we’d blame the coach. If this was a sports franchise, we’d blame the owner. If this was an athlete, we’d want them gone. If this was a school, we’d blame the principal. If this was a restaurant, we’d blame the cook. If this was a business, we’d blame the owner. If this was an item of clothing, we’d blame the brand.
If this was any. other. president, we’d blame them.
Yet, somehow, president Trump has blamed everyone for everything, claimed to have fixed the economy TWICE and to fix unemployment TWICE. He is saying he wants to Make America Great Again - Again! It doesn’t. make. sense.
He claims so many outlandish things. He talks about being the best president ever. Yet look around. Your life has been impacted by this man. Probably negatively. You cannot go about life as normal because of this man. He has to go.
He cannot shuck the blame. He has been in charge. In any other area of life, you know you’d blame the person in this position, so how does he keep getting a pass?
It is my belief that we have a clear and easy decision in front of us: do we vote to put evil back in the White House, or do we listen to the voice of the oppressed and make some actual changes. We can drain the swamp. We can fix what is wrong. But what it’s going to take is calling on our leaders and politicians to do and be better. Giving blind allegiance to party leads to this. It must change. He must go.
I am an optimist by nature and believe the best in people. Few people without a personal gain seem to honestly support our president. It’s hard to be Christian and actively support a man that goes against everything our boy Jesus says. I think there are a lot of people actually struggling with what to do.
You don’t have to vote for Biden, but please don’t vote for Trump.
I have thought a long time about what to do or say on a personal level. Watching my family grow apart, my friends grow apart, communities grow apart and witness a feeling come over our country that teeters on violence all because of divisive politics is something I cannot stand by.
I wanted to do interviews, lists of facts, show bunch of Tweets, offer to meet people and have discussions. But I can’t. I’m too tired. I’m too sad. I’m in too much disbelief that what is happening in America in 2020 is happening in America in 2020.
Plus, I’ve tried all the other shit. It doesn’t work. We have three weeks . We can either get this man out of the White House and start to address problems, or we can do vast amounts of damage that challenge the framework of democracy. I personally cannot let the later happen.
In the age of streaming, consider this all on demand. At my website, you can read all of the reasons I think you should not vote for Trump. I’d planned one kind of series, this what it turned into. I’ll maybe release a bit more, but you can get the gist here.
Trump voters seem to supportive solely on abortion or lack of options, so here are responses to those:
and you can read one response here. But my ask is this: leave the
I do not subscribe to a political party. I have taken a lot of heat for this, from all sides. People often tell me: I’m wrong, I’m throwing away my vote, or that by voting for a 3rd party I’m voting for R/D (usually the opposite of whichever side they happen to be on). Not true. The way I approach the polls every time is that I vote for the candidate that I think will do the best job, and who I think is the better person.
What I have found to be true over and over is that the character of the person in power matters a lot more than their politics. If someone is open, caring, logical, and compassionate, they can often be swayed. In our world of sound bites, people can easily have opinions based upon partial knowledge. But what if you’re wrong? What if what you thought was right turns out to be based upon misinformation or errant opinion? What if you have new experiences that contradict your old experiences? What if you go through something and learn and change through that? What if God shows you something you hadn’t seen before?
I believe all of this happens all the time. I want people in power that are open to change.
It’s happened over and over for me. When I was younger, I was anti-LGBT. I thought it was: sinful, gross, and a personal choice. I said mean things, using bad language, about people that were LGBT.
Then I met people that were LGBT. They became friends. I realized my stereotypes were completely false. One of my friends told me he’d always been attracted to men, and that it wasn’t a choice. He asked me if I chose to be attracted to women. “No,” I realized. We talked about it. Regarding attraction, at some point between 10-13, I started looking at girls a different way and their beauty was attractive to me and did something to me in a physical way. For him, the same experience was for men. It wasn’t a choice for either of us. My opinion changed after the conversation. I asked for forgiveness, admitted my bias, and switched my stance.
Likewise, I’ve had thoughts on immigration, gender, and education that, when challenged, have changed. When I saw how badly a lot of Democrats run school systems, I became more conservative on many educational issues. When I saw how badly conservatives run foreign policy, I became more liberal on those issues. I’m not for raising taxes for no reason. I’m not for big government. But I am for taxes and for government.
I respect people and politicians and their points of view - as long as their sound. I respect Justin Amash a lot, though I disagree with him on many issues. I respect Matt Gaetz and how he approaches things, though I find his support of the president quite odd and many of manners to be bad. I have mad respect for A.O.C. and Bernie Sanders. I loathe Hillary Clinton. I also loathe Mitch McConnell and Jeff Sessions. But I think Lindsay Graham and Nancy Pelosi are essentially the same person tapped into different funding sources.
I could be wrong on any of it. Blind loyalty to a party leads to bad things. China. Germany. Russia. North Korea. It’s all blind loyalty.
I want people in power that are willing to stand up for their party, voting for their people, based upon ethics and what is right and beneficial to all.
I’ve published a couple things. Here they are: